Carrie-Belle’s Peanut Sauce

One of my first unofficial jobs was to babysit my sister after school on the days my mom worked at a local restaurant (I think it was called Kit Carson’s). And, apparently, I wasn’t very good at it. I remember one time when I was nine, and she was around a year old, I was just watching her outside and turned my head for a second, and she went rolling down the only hill in our backyard…In a WALKER! It was one of the older models (circa 1972) that folded up like scissors. Thank God she only suffered a mild scrape, or my life would have come to greater end than it did that day…

On another memorable occasion, when Carrie was kindergarten age, she started a new hobby of “mixing” things. It might have evolved from watching our mother cooking, stirring and whipping up various concoctions for dinner, but Carrie-Bell’s inventions rarely turned out to be edible. So, on this particular day while I was supposed to be watching her, I noticed that she wasn’t in the room with me and it was very quiet in the house. I got a little nervous and went searching for her only to find her huddled up on the kitchen floor with a bowl and spoon. In the bowl was this putrid greenish brown mixture that smelled like pine soap and peanuts. She looks up at me with those surprised big brown eyes, and I am trying to figure out what in the world she’s got going on in that bowl… like Waaaaah?!?

I look around, and finally realize what is creating this disaster of a smell: creamy peanut butter and Prell Shampoo!!! OMG, the smell literally made my mouth water, and not in a good way. I took the bowl from her, held it at arm’s length while plugging my nose and tried to wash the toxic mess down the sink. Bad Idea! Peanut butter does not immediately break down in water, at least not without a lot of hand-stirring. And Prell shampoo creates a sink full of sudsy bubbles. You get the picture.

So, Carrie-Bell, now that you have three rambunctious, thriving boys of your own, I thought I’d pass on a more palatable peanut sauce that will not have you running for your toilet, gas mask or hazmat suit.


Carrie’s New Peanut Sauce

1 C. Creamy peanut butter

1 Tbsp water

2 Tbsp Tahini

1 Tsp Sesame oil

1 Tbsp Honey

2 Tbsp Soy or tamari sauce

1 Tbsp Balsamic vinegar

1 Tsp Fresh grated ginger

½ Lime, juiced

½ Tsp Crushed red pepper

¼ C Finely chopped cilantro

Whisk all ingredients together in a medium bowl, adjusting seasonings to taste.

Serving Suggestions

Mix with whole wheat pasta, grated carrots, finely sliced purple cabbage and sugar snap peas for a great cold salad.

Spread on multi-grain bread or a wrap and top with chicken & lettuce.

Skewer grilled chicken and use as a dipping sauce.

Toss with linguine and grilled shrimp.


Linda’s Ambrosia Salad


Moms Gravy