Choosing the joyful, delicious path

Good Morning! I have recently introduced myself to the world as a”Healer, Baker & Divine Chef”, and I am happy, energized and so excited even though I am still stepping into what that means for me.

When I fully committed to share myself authentically, I started to feel the fear and some anxiety around what others might think, or OMG now I have to create content, etc etc.

What I did with these feelings is to pay attention. I used Lisa Liimatta SHIFT method and I meditated. I saw myself at 12 standing in front of my father, explaining that I didn’t want to live the restrictive religious life that he had planned for me. That I wanted to do something else- anything else. And he looked at me with such disdain that it shut down all possibility for me. So, I became rebellious and self destructive for a while.

As I allowed my 12 y.o. Self to heal in my meditation, I recognized my father was doing what he knew, and had no frame of reference for a tween girl who wasn’t going to fall in line. And his reaction was his own, not mine to own. I released the cords and stood soul to soul with him and my family, and introduced myself. “Hello, I am Sharon Blanchard-McCoy, Healer,Baker & Divine Chef”

I feel the vibration of this as I write, I feel my connection to source and know that I’ve stepped into my authentic self and this is where the real power lies. How I choose to present and share this with the world will expand over time, and the path is joyful and delicious!


Attracting Wellness


Linda’s Ambrosia Salad