Attracting Wellness

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending an Abraham Hicks workshop, and it was wonderful to witness the law of attraction in the present moment.  Individuals eagerly raised their hands to go to the front and sit in the hot seat to be advised by Abraham.  No matter the question, her answer always seemed to return to the main tenant:  Your thoughts are creating your emotions (energy-in-motion), and your dominant emotion is your point of attraction.  As she addressed each person’s question, she would start where she sensed them to be, and her vibration of love gained more and more momentum; actually, pulling them forward to understanding and raising their vibration.  It was an incredible experience!

A second important tenant is to recognize the value of our emotions as they are our guidance system.  When I’m feeling the high vibrations of joy, love, and satisfaction, I am aligned with my higher self/source/Universe.  When I’m allowing fear, anxiety, worry, disappointment to invade my current state, the lower vibrations feel lousy, and it’s the first indicator that I am out of alignment.

This teaching had me pondering the thoughts that have been surfacing for me over the past few weeks around health, wellness and my own body image.  I’ve been in a season of growth, stretching out of my comfort zone, and those old beliefs and thinking patterns surfaced as a gift to me.  I was feeling a tightness in the pit of my stomach, shallow breath, feeling unsettled, and it occurred to me that I had some energy that needed to be released.

I sat down on my deck with a journal, and a dried rose petal from last year’s retreat in Arizona flew off the page and to the ground below.  I just smiled to myself and said, “yes, it’s time to release”.

So, I did the work and sat with emotions as I allowed all the negative thoughts, the comments from people throughout my life, the societal messages that had me judging and shaming my own body fly away with the wind.  I visualized them as feathers floating away from me and allowed the energy to clear from my being, and at the end I reclaimed my own worth.  I made the choice that I create my health, my wellness, my abundance, my dreams and my reality.

Clearing out the old thoughts, and the energy that has been stuck in my body and in my experience of life has made space for the things I’m calling in.  This is the space where amazing things happen, and I’m so thrilled and excited to see what comes next – I am expecting it to be great!


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