Bingo and Beers…Cheers! to Not Getting It Right

This day was not all about gourmet food and healthy ingredients.  It was not all healing teas and organic honey and meditation and being in a state of profound calm in communion with my sisterhood. 

Nope.  It was about creating new memories with new-found friends, laughing out loud together and connecting.  It was about some very tasty brews, all of the sing-along songs “So Good! So Good! So Good!….wah, wah wah! ”.  You know that one too if you’ve been to a wedding lately.  It was raucous, dancing, jumping around and whooping it up and laughing our asses off.  I’m pretty sure none of us is under 55 – and damn I’m so proud of us!

There are eleven of us in the party sitting around a wooden picnic bench meant for six in the middle of the brewery floor.   We brought our own food to share – all the good stuff that goes with beer, and we commence with day-drinking delicious microbrews and a very respectable sour beer.  We receive our bingo cards and some instructions, and everyone is chit-chatting and figuring out the game and the music is low.  Then it’s game on!

We are all getting into the friendly competition, more people are pouring in for standing room only spaces – the place is packed with about 100 people.  The energy in the room starts to vibe, music is getting a little louder and peppy-er and the DJ turns it up another notch.  She is obviously adept at reading the crowd and feeding off the energy and she is hilarious.  Unabashedly butch as she sticks her tongue out to lick the raffle tickets, smiling as she’s handing out them over.  If the ball was an “O-69” she gave us long belted out “OOOOOOOOOOOOOO-69” and expected us all to belt it out with her. Along with “B-4”….”AND AFTER!!!!!”.  You get the picture.

Of course, my personally hilarious, slightly embarrassing and simultaneously one of the funnest moments was when I incorrectly thought I had a BINGO!  The rule is you go up to the DJ to verify your BINGO.  If you get it wrong, you have to run around and high-five the entire room!!!  When I handed over my card, I said, please tell me this correct.  A minute later she says, “what’s your name?”  Then in her loudest drawn out voice, “ok everyone Sharon DOES NOT HAVE A BINGO, raise your hands!”.  She turns to me, “GO”!  I have this split second of “oh shit”, then I just turn around, start my loudest woooooo hooooooo! And, I run through the entire brewery laughing and high-five-ing, and so many people were smiling and laughing back, and it turned into one of the funnest things I’ve ever done.  

I sit here this morning with tears in my eyes, reflecting on how I just fell in love with all the people.  They were all enjoying the day with their own families and friends, sharing food and having a blast playing, being carefree and joyous. Even though it took me only a couple of minutes to get through the crowd, I connected with that beautiful energy of fun, joy and pure love.   What an amazing GIFT!

I got to experience the energy of immense fun in people whom I’ve never met.  I got to experience connection to the frequency of pure love and joy with some amazing souls, and I am seeing this game of Bingo happened exactly as it was supposed to.  I am entering a time of life where I will be out in front of people with my heart leading the way, and it’s all meant to be wildly fun, light-filled and joyous.     

Oh, yes the Universe does have a sense of humor!

I highly recommend not getting it right.


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